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Buzen Technologies Site Redesign

Buzen Technologies Site Redesign

We have a new look. The team at buzen technologies took time to refurbish and get a new look at our digital home. Many times, companies refurbish their offices and upgrade their assets for branding purposes to capture the client attention and trust but few do refurbish their websites. Well this could have something to do with the fact that many digital upgrades especially in design always require the users to get reacquainted with the flow and functionality and most companies would not like...

MTN set to introduce the first Mobile Money API in Uganda

MTN set to introduce the first Mobile Money API in Uganda

MTN group set to introduce the first mobile money API in Uganda starting with a series of training 100 software developers starting November 17th to 8th December, 2018 with an aim of exposing them to existing API infrastructure. The call for interested developers runs from 6th-12th November 2018 and you could apply through this link. Are you a web or mobile developer? Do you have apps that require Mobile Money payment? Then don’t miss the MTN MoMo Open API training as 100...

Buzen Technologies

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